An Intro to Financial Astrology

An Intro to Financial Astrology

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 16th Mar 2016

Before I get into a new series about financial astrology for you guys- I wanted to take a moment to outline just what it does, doesn’t do, can and cannot do. It’s really important to me that people understand exactly how tied together all the aspects of a chart may be when it comes to any issue. This holds very true of money, as well. That being said, this introduction will hopefully illustrate how it is we can utilize astrology in terms of our financial well-being- and how to do so responsibly, so it becomes an additional tool rather than something detrimental.

Last year, I found myself in a very weird position. I think any psychic, astrologer, or otherwise has had the sort of smug judgment flung at them: If you can do this stuff for other people, how come we don’t see many of your lot as millionaires?

Or some ruder variation on the same. I’m no different, and though many will lob this gem at you as though they’ve suddenly got a mind like Hemingway- yeah, no, it’s not a particularly novel thing. It’s sort of the ‘that’s what she said’ of the professional seer’s world. A few years back, though, at the start of many of my own financial troubles- I thought, “Hey, you know what? How come? Why is that?

When I started doing this more full time, I did note, the only thing I get asked about more than love- is money. Of course, every reader, whatever stripe, will have their own reason, their own standard blurb in response- and many just don’t respond. We do get a lot of these sorts of challenge questions- but, I really started wondering, “Well, why not?

As far as things like Vegas style gambling goes- I’ve always been of the very Capricorn-with-a- Libra rising mindset on that one: the house may usually win, but with hard work- there’s always a payout. When I first started more or less delving into this area- I kept that in mind. Because the house does usually win. The same holds true for lotto or any other extremely popular gambling method. The odds really aren’t in our favor. Think about the lottery in particular and how many people play- and, well, I’d be pretty dishonest if I said that I had a solid method for a sure win on any of these things.

My “Why not?” has always been more along that Libra rising mindset- what if I could sort of change the odds a little? And this is always my goal with financial astrology, and it should be yours, as well.

Of course, anyone who’s been into financial astrology will readily tell you about one of the most famous cases of a believer and what he did with that. That person is J.P. Morgan- of J.P. Morgan Chase. He is often quoted as famously saying: Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do! However, based on everything I’ve read, that quote more likely originated with Sydney Omarr, who was an incredibly famous astrologer. Morgan was, however, a client of another famed astrologer- Evangeline Adams. While we cannot say Morgan owes his success to utilizing her services as he was quite wealthy by the time of their association- what we can point out is that his chart certainly predicts said wealth.

Looking over a client’s chart for the basic gist of how well they may do, the 2nd house is where it’s at. That’s because the 2nd house is the house of possessions- but it’s also what’s known as a succedent house. We’ll get into exactly what that is a little later in our Astrology Lessons, but, basically- if you’re looking at a succedent house, you also want to look at the angular house it follows because when you’re dealing with a succedent house, it more or less is what gives a powerful support to that house before it. In the case of the 2nd, that would be the 1st. 1st house being all about the self- well, a nicely aspected 2nd house very likely indicates that you won’t just be financially well off, but you may just be known for it. Maybe I should break this one down a bit. When you look at the image above, the inner wheel is the house wheel- and though I’ve marked the first house as such- the second is so full I had to circle the house number in red, there.

That outer wheel where you see all the astrological symbols being the zodiac wheel, you can see that Uranus is also in Pisces. What’s that mean in non-astrologer speak?

Well, first, that Uranus in Pisces could definitely indicate someone who would be very interested in the occult. Now, that’s not just Uranus- but Uranus rising. Using an astrologer or learning astrology might be indicated, but a lot of people do that. Morgan, however, was so interested in the occult that he often funded and actively participated in studies of cultures that dealt heavily in it. Now, ordinarily, a 9th house placement would be looked into in terms of study in depth- but, his is empty, which means, we look at other things. Obviously, Morgan traveled extensively abroad, and that Uranus in Pisces could explain why. We could also talk about how his Jupiter in the 6th indicates that a life involving travel would be well suited- because Jupiter’s energy is...well, far too expansive for that mundane 6th house, yet, when someone combines such expansiveness in a way that makes it common for them: it all shakes out. Clearly, in his case, it did.

However, let’s look at that 2nd house, now. That’s a whoooole lot of oomph in one house, isn’t it? Matter of fact, this is his dominant house. However, having a bunch of planets in one house doesn’t necessarily mean they are all favorable. This is also what’s known as a stellium- which is when you’ve got 4 or more planets in one house. Again- that’s...involved, so, suffice it to say, a stellium is significant- and it’s significant because whatever else the guy had going on in his chart: that 2nd house was the major player: money.

He has a stellium containing the Sun, Pluto, Mercury, and Venus- to put this as briefly as I can: this is an awesome collection of planets to have here, but stelliums are very intense. It sort of goes, The Sun- this expresses the fact that the desire to obtain material wealth is a big part of the personality. Going into Pluto- well, peek ahead at the 8th and you’ll find Saturn. Those together may indicate that his father was hard on him, and he went, “Says you, Dad, I’m going to be bigger and better than you ever dreamed of being!” In any case, Pluto in the 2nd is either make or break: it can also indicate a rather compulsive desire to make money. Mercury, there really gives this insane talent for all things practical but also, with a very adept, quick mind- he could often find solutions before others even knew there were problems. Lastly- Venus in the 2nd house. While that Mercury may denote some practicality- he used this to indulge his love of all the best and finer things in life. In addition to that, well, this was all a matter of great pride for him.

Not only that, that little horseshoe looking thing? That’s his true node, or his north node. North Node Taurus, 2nd house? Everything in him screamed to create security- granted, looking at his family history, he started out pretty secure, but, he certainly built on that, didn’t he? The North Node’s all about destiny- fate, and, well, you look at the other end of its axis and the South Node can sometimes go into a little past life baggage. North Node Taurus means South Node Scorpio and, well, that’d be in the 8th house. While a lot of what’s going on in that 8th house would relate to, ah, more personal things (It’s the house of sex, as well, remember.)- it is also referred to as the house of secrets, financial inheritances, but also, it can give us a look at the roots of intimacy and any issues there. Saturn in your 8th is a serious indication of challenges in most of those things- but, well, Saturn’s not a bad guy and ultimately, if you adopt the structure and discipline it tries to teach you-’s pretty obvious that he did, you’ll usually find a great deal of stability.

Anyway, so, when it comes to Morgan- it’s obviously easy in retrospect to say that his chart indicates someone capable of vast wealth. The thing is, you can do this with your own natal chart, as well- and, in addition to that potential, you can also see what pitfalls may arise, what attitudes and otherwise you might need to let go of, and a whole host of other things. If this were a client’s chart in front of me- I can say with full confidence that my advice would be that he get into exactly what he did: working with money. Morgan, as you may know, was possibly one of the most influential financiers in the United States. Not only that, but you might also say that in following the path destiny had set before him: he was a driving force behind changing the face of not only American banking, but emergent technologies in energy, and whether for better or worse depending on your view: American politics.

I hope that you enjoy the forthcoming monthly Financial Astrology reports and write-ups, I do. More than that, though, I hope that you consider exactly what it is that ties your finances into your overall destiny and how it might not just shape your life- but those around you. If you enjoy the basic overviews of things, consider how having a better understanding of your complete natal chart- as well as predictive methods might help you to find out just what role your finances play in your own destiny.