April 2016 Monthly Star Blast Horoscope

April 2016 Monthly Star Blast Horoscope

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 24th Mar 2016

Hello and Happy April!

Time for another look at your month ahead.

This month is really all about Aries- being as the Sun went into Aries on March 20th, and it will remain there for much of April until the 20th when it goes into Taurus. What this means is that it’s going to be absolutely important to be fully aware of how our actions impact both ourselves and others. We actually open the month with a New Moon in Aries on the 7th, which is a fantastic way to get the ball rolling, really.

With a New Moon in Aries, you’ll want to make sure that you’re dealing with stress in better ways. This means, learning to center yourself, calm your mind, and that way, you’ll be able to make those important decisions with a clear head. This is an ideal time to let go of those old thought patterns that may have been holding us back- and step into new modes of thought and action.

For the most part, compared to the earlier months, April doesn’t have a whole lot of drama to it, from an astrological perspective. On the 17th and 18th, however, we have two retrogrades which can really impact things- but not Mercury retrograde. That won’t hit until the 28th, though you might begin to feel the shadow impact of it right around the week before hand. Mars retrograde, which will continue until June 29th can bring about a bit of a dip in energy levels, but it can also sort of halt efforts that require initiative. That’s okay, the best way to work with this is to simply slow down- which isn’t hard when your energy levels are kind of tapped. If you’ve got Aries or Scorpio heavy charts, you may find this hits you a bit harder than others- this isn’t a bad thing. You might just find yourself a bit mellower, a bit less aggressive, and a bit less inclined to take action. Actually, for you guys, it’s a bit of a breather. For the rest of us, however, it can be a time when normally patient people begin to get a bit testy- but, the key is, not to act on those impulses.

Pluto retrogrades are a bit of a soft spot for me, I have to admit. When Pluto is retrograde, it just gets stronger, basically- and well, if you are someone who’s all about those life transformations, this is a wonderful thing. It’s still pretty challenging, even with that perspective- because this is generally a time when we’re looking at those cycles that have us feeling out of control and how we deal with that. Some of us tend to attempt to control situations we shouldn’t, and some of us, tend to get swept along. Finding that middle ground is key, and well, those things will get a bit of a nudge until about September 26.

This brings us to ol’ Mercury Retrograde. This one’s in Taurus. I tend to be one of those astrologers who sort of snorts whenever this topic comes up- because, well, Mercury retrogrades have always been good to me. Sure, I get the usual travel and tech pains- but, when you know where the retrograde happens in your chart, it helps a lot. When you know it happens in Taurus, that helps a lot, too. The thing about Mercury Retrograde is that any of them- it’s all about assessing things, revisiting things, and taking stock. Making sure you’re working on a few things, there, but not really moving forward. That’s how you use it to your advantage, rather than letting it be the headache so many imagine it is. ;)

Anyway, it’s a fantastic month on the whole for taking a long look at those things in your life that have gotten to a point where they’ve got to change. Whether that be organizational, whether that be habits you have or otherwise- that’s the order of the day, or, well, month, as it were.





You’re going to find that this month’s a mellower one for you Aries, and maybe, that feels pretty good. While a lot of people around you may not be, you are going to find your calm isn’t as easily damaged. This will help you to take care of quite a lot and avert many of the headaches others are dealing with.


This probably isn’t one of those months where you want to take big risks, Taurus. Granted, risk-taking isn’t a Taurus sort of thing, so, that’s not so bad. You may be tempted to do so, this month, and in recent weeks, you have been feeling a bit more assertive. That’s a good thing, just take April to do a little stock-taking, organizing, and tying up some loose ends.


Things may be a bit on the tricky side for you this month, Gemini. There’s a lot of inner and outer work going on for you, and that can have you feeling a bit more stressed than usual. This is okay, but, be careful not to allow that stress to make your decisions for you. You’ll find that a little breathing and mindfulness helps you to save the day...again.


You may find yourself feeling a lot more introspective this month, Cancer. A lot of the influences at play will sort of prod some deeper parts of you, and that will have you trying to think of big changes. That’s different for you, but it’s a good thing, and you’ll find that not only do you get some ideas, but you’re able to figure out a good plan forward on them.


This month, Leo, you might find that the way you’re rolling just isn’t working for you anymore. As you look around, you may also note that a lot of the promises made to you just don’t come to pass- and this will be an important thing to not only consider, but address. Clarify things as much as you can and go from there to make choices.


You may find that this month, Virgo, you’re doing some big thinking. Not wholly unusual, but the things you’re considering may feel a bit out of left field for you. That’s out-of-the-box thinking, and it actually looks pretty good on you. Jot down these ideas, communicate them clearly, and clarify to those who may seem confused. Your way forward continues to get better as the year progresses.


Libra, you may be considering a few big steps this month, more so than usual. You may be considering higher levels of education, perhaps some goals that you’d thought needed the backburner- but now seem plausible. This is because they actually are. Working towards making those things happen is a great plan for now, but organize things just a bit more before you begin.


This month, you are probably going to feel a bit cozier with those you’re closest to, Scorpio. Not a bad thing at all, but take special care in communications. You will find that a bit of clear thinking and clear talking helps things along more than you may have thought before. As this happens, don’t try to rush things. Just enjoy them as they begin to play out.


For you, this month is going to be all about your sense of humor, Sagittarius. Take a little time to laugh at some of the oddball situations that present themselves as a result of the retrograde cycles at play. Don’t be mean about how you’re laughing- but, laughing at yourself never hurts. As you consider old relationships, be careful of those rose colored glasses. Some things need to stay in the past, now.


Delays can have things feeling a bit frustrating, just as you began to make some steady progress, fellow goats. That’s okay, Capricorn, straighten the steel spine this month and begin to adapt- it’s one of our strengths, though not one of our favorite things to do. The lessons learned during the adaptation will come into play later and make some things much smoother in the long run.


This isn’t a good month for taking risks and gambling, Aquarius. It’s a good month to delve into the deeper, more romantic aspects of yourself and for engaging in some creative pursuits, however. You may find points of connections with your loved ones you didn’t even know existed and a lot of progress can be made in growing closer. Be careful on the romantic front as spontaneous feelings may have you wanting to dive in before you have had a good look at where you’re going.


This month might be a weird one in terms of family for you, Pisces. As you begin to understand that forgiveness isn’t really about them- but rather, it’s all about you, this can help you a great deal. You will find that, even if you have cut ties, forgiveness frees you more than it does them. It’s a good time to sort of consider where you’re heading in terms of those closer relationships of yours, too. What goals you may have and where you feel your future is headed will become the highlight.







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