Are You In A Relationship Or An Entanglement?

Are You In A Relationship Or An Entanglement?

Posted by Leslie Riopel for on 10th Feb 2015

We often repeat toxic relationship patterns without even realizing it. If you are in an entanglement, you may feel like your relationship has gotten to be too much like work. The sad truth is that many of us stay in relationships that we have already outgrown because we aren’t quite sure where we will end up if we leave them.

While healthy relationships tend to change and grow and evolve, unhealthy ones don’t. If your relationship doesn’t bring you joy any longer, it may be time to re-examine if it is a relationship or not.

Entanglements look like relationships on the surface. You spend a lot of time together, you've met each other's loved ones, and people probably refer to you as a couple. However, if you are in an “entanglement” you may not be having a real relationship at all - at least not one that is characterized by love and harmony.

Relationship Repetition Syndrome

The term entanglement could very well be called “Relationship Repetition Syndrome,” a term coined by a Dr. Seth Meyers. Although the idea of continuing to repeat the same toxic relationship patterns is certainly not a new one for many of us, it may come into play when examining the idea of an entanglement.

Relationship Repetition Syndrome is all about the idea of unconsciously repeating toxic relationship patterns. In other words, you continue to create and recreate the same toxic relationship over and over again, without consciously realizing you are even doing so.

This might occur for many reasons from family relationship patterns to emotional turmoil suffered as a child. An entanglement might leave you feeling drained. It might also cause you to feel unsure or unsafe. You may feel misunderstood in an entanglement or you may keep rehashing the same issues over and over again.

We sometimes revel in our pain and our toxic relationship patterns to the point that we begin to think a toxic relationship is a perfectly normal one. Other people may see that our relationship is bad, but we often have a hard time seeing that fact ourselves.

Your relationship should not always take so much effort. You shouldn’t always be fighting the uphill battle. If you feel as if you are constantly walking around on eggshells, then you may have a problem. Your relationships are supposed to build you up, not suck all the life out of you. In other words, they shouldn’t take so much effort.

An entanglement may feel like you are stuck in a web of confusion and angst and bitterness. If you can’t get back to a space of love and affection, then your relationship probably needs to be re-examined.

A real relationship is an authentic relationship. Each of us is a product of our own reflection. The qualities we most often abhor in other people are often those things that we dislike within ourselves. On the other hand, those qualities that we admire about other people are often those same qualities that we admire within ourselves.

In order to change anything in other words, you must seek to first understand those flaws within yourself. This journey isn’t about anyone else but YOU. In order to change the dynamic of a relationship – you must first change yourself. You must first understand yourself. You need to dig deeper into those patterns you have subconsciously developed over the course of your life and figure out why you continue to manifest them.

A real relationship is one where two partners love and respect one another no matter what is happening around them.

Alternative therapies like meditation or hypnosis for example, can help you re-examine why you continually seek toxic relationships. Other tools like numerology or even astrology can help you better understand how your relationship may be affected by the patterns around you.

If you find yourself in a relationship and you think it may be better defined as an entanglement, it may be time to sit down and reflect upon the reasons you came together in the first place.

Life is all about change in the end, and each of us must always be striving to evolve.

“Never regret anything that has happened in your life, it cannot be changed, undone or forgotten so take it as a lesson learned and move on.” - Unknown quote