Astrological Profile - Donald Trump

Astrological Profile - Donald Trump

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 29th Feb 2016

Though his birthday is June 14, 1946 and we do know that he was born in Jamaica, New York: Donald Trump’s birth time has been the object of a bit of confusion. I should point out that no one’s really sure what his actual time of birth is- this makes things a little difficult when casting a chart. Currently, there is some debate over whether the time is 10:54 a.m., or whether it’s 9:51 a.m. Quite a few astrologers I respect use the 10:54 a.m. time, and that’s what I’ve been going with. This is the time his mother is said to have disclosed, therefore, the reason many of us use it.

As you can see- there’s really not a whole lot of difference here, but, I will say, based on Trump’s persona both past and present: the later time of birth just makes more sense. What I can’t quite make sense of, however, is why we don’t have that information. A staunch supporter of the “birther” movement in 2012, calling President Obama “the least transparent candidate in history”, Trump has also refused to release his birth certificate and passport information. At one point, he even offered to donate $5 million to charity if Obama did it. Will he donate if he releases his own, you think?

Donald Trump is easily the most frequently discussed candidate. This is because, well, for better or worse, he’s taken as many opportunities as he can to not only get his name out there but to keep it. When I was living in Atlanta, I learned a little bit of Southern Speak. Donald Trump, if we’re speaking Southern, has what they’d call an excess of personality. Bless his heart.

If you look, there are many astrologers who’ve cast his chart- both the natal and progressed. I’m no different, I pulled both. It’s remarkably difficult to find one that interprets the chart without splashing a little of themselves into the interpretation. Again, I’m no different. I will, however, do my level best to use what my friend (And noted astrologer) Michelle Young refers to as: professional language, Tori.

Whenever she gives me the language warning in the groups, I always imagine it’s with a bit of a long-suffering chuckle and sigh. She’s been a wonderful influence on me and would certainly cringe at what I actually said when the higher ups here at Astrologic Answers asked me to do this. In my defense, my reference did not, in fact, contain swears. A toilet reference, but no swearing!

So, going with that later time, here’s his natal chart, by itself:

Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon- With an Eclipse

Photo Credit: Tim Bower Illustrations

Even on a basic level with the Sun in Gemini- Trump’s going to be one of those people who just feels like he’s got to be into everything, expressing everything. They tend to be very flexible with big ideas. Ever adapting, Geminis almost seem to be fickle types who change their mind a lot.

One of the things I have noticed is that people who wouldn’t support Trump cannot figure out why anyone would. That is something I actually understand- because even if you’re just going on his sun sign alone: Geminis are good like that. They know exactly what others want, and to some degree, they’ll give it to them if it suits whatever they happen to be working towards.

Not to take this to a more serious direction- but being born under an exact Lunar eclipse really isn’t good for romance, generally. In writing this, I wanted to hit at some areas other astrologers hadn’t gone into much- and I know, nobody wants to think about Trump in the Sack, but…

Also, see if you can get the mental image of Ivana Trump as Bonnie Tyler out of your head. I’m not sure there’s enough funny cat videos in the world.

I have an ex with this particular aspect and believe me: if you’re trying to cozy up to them, it’s difficult. Because they can’t love anyone more than they love themselves. From a political stance, this makes perfect sense- except, most of us would agree this isn’t a good thing for a public servant. Greater good isn’t exactly their thing, unless said greater good has something in it for them.

Looking at the Sun in Gemini, opposite the Sagittarius moon with this aspect- well, gut instinct’s not really something they go with, nor are emotions. You might be tilting your head, as Trump seems over the top with his emotions. That’s exactly it, though. Whether he is simply not capable of much real feeling or said real feeling is hidden deeply beneath the surface- he’s going to use it to his best advantage. Whatever the case may be, they sort of have this emotional extremism embedded deeply within. That may manifest itself in very intense emotional outbursts when confronted or other, more sinister manifestations of the same. One way or another, though- that emotion comes exploding to the surface.

Another aspect connected to this eclipse is Uranus. Conjunct his Sun there, he was always going to be someone who pushed the bar. Whether you love him or hate him, there’s really no denying that he has done exactly that. (I would argue the bar got pushed lower, but, you might disagree. A disturbing number of people do and quite loudly.)

This aspect is also opposite the Moon, so that makes a lot of friction in personal relationships. This is a fairly heavy aspect in the chart, and well, it denotes a certain thumbing of the nose at having to take orders and definitely denotes a my way or the highway attitude. Merging this with the next aspect we’ll explore shows this as not always being a good thing.

Donald Trump, Leo Rising

Ah, Leo Rising types. There’s just something about them. They have a tendency towards being quite magnetic, with a natural flair for the dramatic. Their seemingly natural self-confidence is fairly ego driven, though. Now, some would think Leo rising is impulsive because they’re also quite prone to outbursts and temper tantrums. This is where you’d be wrong because they are incredibly self-aware. A Leo rising temper tantrum is every bit as calculated as everything else they do to gain attention. I think, really, Josh Gad nailed Leo rising in his Lip Sync Battle appearance:

You might imagine Leo rising as a temperamental buffoon- but before you do that, consider another famous Leo rising: serial killer Ted Bundy.

Leo Rising people almost always need to get their egos petted. That’s not to say every Leo rising is either Trump or Bundy- quite the contrary. When you get a Leo rising who truly cares about the greater good- they tend to find a way to merge this in a way that makes them almost saintly. But, it still makes them appear that way- which is important to them, whether they’re using it for good or not so good. If you want an example of a Leo rising who didn’t kill anyone or run for office: Marilyn Monroe was another.

That’s a very important distinction to make, because, again- Leo Rising is far from a red flag in a chart. However, when it goes awry, it really goes awry.

So, from an astrological perspective, what makes Trump different than say, Marilyn Monroe? Well, from a very basic perspective- and this is something you might have noticed: Gemini men and women differ vastly from one another. There are still basic generalizations that hold true- but, they just do. I think that has something to do with the duality inherent, but, in this case, going on this particular aspect: you’ve got to take a look at Mars. Monroe’s was in the 8th house, and Pisces- which is a pretty uncomfortable place for Mars to be. Trump’s on the other hand, is bang on there in Leo.

On the offset- Leo’s a pretty flashy thing in and of itself, but you throw in Mars, it becomes an intensely desperate need for attention. Being on the ascendant as it is, this integrates itself deeply with his personality.

If Trump could have made Rubio explode on the spot, he would have. If you watch how shaken Trump is, it’s pretty clear: he’s not used to this happening. I could go into some of Rubio’s chart, but, suffice it to say, we’ll be seeing much more of this. Watching the entire thing is almost painful. However, it should be said that while Rubio certainly did have Trump on the ropes more than once- Trump did not back down. Granted, he didn’t do the classier thing, either- which is a fairly standard Leo Rising/Mars thing. Looking at my other example of Ted Bundy- we note that his Mars was placed a bit differently. While we can argue that they were both bullies, Trump’s approach is more steamroller- whereas Bundy’s was psychological. Bundy’s Mars being conjunct his south node and his Moon in Sagittarius. His violence denoted by Uranus opposing the three- which might also give some insight into childhood trauma that sort of created a more sinister violence. Trump, on the other hand, is not even remotely sinister. Sure, he uses people and things, but, his approach is much more blunt force.

Big Money Questions and Aspects

What we also see in Trump’s chart here is that his Jupiter’s in the 2nd house. Let me be pretty clear with you, this is something you like to see if you want to know about money prospects. Throw in that nice trine to his Sun and yes, the odds of him being very lucky with money are good. This is a flame that gets further stoked by the above aspects, because, well, he knows he can do it. No, he KNOWS he can do it. Not only is he utterly convinced of his ultimate success, but, he’s almost got a sense that it’s his birthright and destiny. Going back to that Mars/ASC business up there and you’ve got someone who’ll pretty much do anything and everything for the gains because he can justify it all. After all, he deserves it, he’ll self-rationalize.

Rather unfortunately, there is almost nothing in this natal chart to ground that, so, rather than being the confidence to do the right thing: he becomes a bully. Someone who will resort to almost Machiavellian techniques to get his way and worse: he feels completely justified in doing so. Looking through his chart, you’ll notice a stark lack of one key element in grounding people: dude has very little in the way of Earth influence.

The Jupiter influences we do see is that, well, for all outside appearances, people believe what he is saying to be true. This is most likely due to the fiery charisma shown throughout- but also, those Jupiter aspects there can show a vastly bloated sense of self-importance, and a seriously convincing manner of speaking. While I’m inclined to reference the Dunning-Kruger effect here, the fact remains that all those things combined make for someone who could convince many people of pretty much anything he wanted to, whether it’s true or not.

Better hope his chosen running mate’s got a bit more Earth in there.

Progressed Aspects and The Presidential Race

Photo Credit: The Economist

I almost didn’t want to go into this one. When he announced his run for the presidency, many of us explored his progressed chart. In doing so- you almost think maybe Trump’s using an astrologer himself, because frankly, it just didn’t get much better in terms of the astrology at play.

At that time, his Midheaven moved from Cancer into Leo- which is excellent for him, because it indicates that his career was about to start expanding. It also favors situations in which a person is out there in the public and continuing on with it: it just gets better. I could go into all the particular aspects with Jupiter, his ascendant and otherwise: but, the past couple of years and the next are going to be tremendously good for his career. That much is obvious and whether he wins or loses the presidency- he’s going to come out the winner in terms of his public persona and the rest of his career.

I think that thus far, people are in an emotionally hyper-charged state over the Presidential candidates in 2016. Many people seem almost shocked at Trump’s success thus far, but, on the other end of the coin: Bernie Sanders rise to popularity is equally astounding to many. The reason behind that, I think is that never before have we seen such extremes. Though respectively Republican and Democrat- Trump has expressed quite a few Nationalist ideals and Sanders has been open about more Socialist leaning policy. (I’m not expressing an opinion in pointing that out, either way.)

Now, I have mentioned the Donald was born during an eclipse, but guess who also was?

Yep. Sanders was. Actually, he was born between two eclipses: the first, a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and the second, a Solar Eclipse in Virgo. We’re coming up on our first Super Tuesday on March 1st, with the second being on the 15th. In addition to that, however, two eclipses. Both Sanders and Trump have intense astrological ties to both of these eclipses. Trump’s exact lunar eclipse was in Sagittarius.

In astrology, it’s well known that Total Solar Eclipses have a long of influence that stretches out into months. In this case, the March 8 eclipse will in fact, continue into the U.S. Election in November of this year. Historically, we know that many cultures have referenced eclipses in respect to transitions of leadership.

They have also been the subject of a tremendous amount of fear. If we look at both Sanders and Trump: they tend to draw on both anger and fear in their campaigns.

Of course, the fear and outrage that Trump plays upon is based on terrorism, and rage at the POTUS- but, Sanders uses anger at the 1% and fears of the impact of the income equality issue on the economy and society as a whole.

Looking at this eclipse, itself- it’s got Saturn in Sagittarius, square the lunar nodes. Jupiter conjoining both the true node and making that last quarter square with Saturn. In non-astrologer speak, this particular configuration shows transitions of power based on extensive crisis: immigration and terrorism, or economic inequality both fit the bill for a collective, extensive crisis in the minds of those supporters.

Where we get into why these two candidates hold such vast appeal is expressed by the Solar Eclipse conjoin that south node, but also, throwing in the asteroids Ceres and Chiron. This represents long-term problems and, frankly, a lot of jaded feelings about the status quo. Being as neither of them are particularly in line with the parties they represent here: it seems very understandable that they would garner the vast support that they have.


Parts of Trump’s chart will be triggered on March 8- that Solar Eclipse will be square his Sun, Uranus, and the lunar nodes. This eclipse will also conjoin the south node- which, this is where things get mighty interesting.

When a Pisces eclipse hits like that- it can cause a lot of history coming to the surface. Essentially, big scandals may become out into the open. Consider that if we’re looking at a quadrant house system- that will happen in his 7th house: shared relationships and on a whole sign house system, it’s in the 8th: relationships, sex, secrets.

I want to say it’s a sex scandal, but, at the same time, we have already seen a Trump sex scandal: Ivana’s domestic abuse and allegations of rape, which she later rescinded. I’m not really sure what could eclipse that, but, his ability to make such things sort of disappear is also reflected.

Sanders also has some truly interesting things going on here. When I get into his profile, I will line up their charts, but suffice it to say: these men are very, very different. Their charts are remarkably different.

While I won’t get into Sanders’ chart here, I will say that we don’t have a confirmed time of birth for him: even in an obscure sense. So, we cannot really look at the houses and some other aspects. What we can look at is the fact that his natal south node and transiting Jupiter- as well as the true node, conjoin his sun. In addition to this, you throw in Chiron and that Eclipse- things get very, very interesting. I was looking at that natal Jupiter- and it is in Gemini, square those nodes. This reveals something of what’s going on- we don’t know what house this occurs in, but this does convey a message of needing to gather some information and convey it in a meaningful way. There are a few indicators of karma at work, but also: a very powerful Mercury/Jupiter influence that loudly reveals he is being heard. We have already seen this in the amount of support he’s already gained, I think.

While his chart is getting hit with this eclipse in similar ways to Trump’s: Sanders’ past doesn’t seem to have the shady nooks and crannies. As a matter of fact, we can see this in this basic chart- this solar eclipse conjoining his south node may instead show truths about his work in civil rights’ and social justice matters.

But What About Clinton?

Bearing in mind, I really didn’t go much into the charts of the other candidates, yet- a cursory glance to confirm a few things. These are the 3 most talked about, and my focus has been here, so far. Clinton doesn’t have the same strong ties to these two eclipses- but, that doesn’t mean they won’t impact her.

She does have that Pisces moon and well, this is about the worst thing you could have during an eclipse if you’ve got secrets. Almost as bad as the influences in Trump’s chart, this influence almost always precedes some kind of controversial truths coming to light. However, it must also be noted that this first eclipse is trine to her Ascendant, South Node, Venus, and Mercury. It’s also in sextile to that true node and ascendant. This means that whatever this controversy might be- the talent we have already seen for dodging that bullet may come shining through. She may be able to use whatever it is to her advantage.

I wouldn’t make a prediction on who will take the nomination at this point, though I do have a couple of theories. When I go back to Sanders’ chart, I do notice that he’s got that Virgo Sun and Jupiter aspects that will get a boost from the eclipse. When the lunar eclipse hits, it will impact some nice Mercury aspects he also has. Essentially, even if Clinton does take the primaries, everything he’s said and done will have a very lasting impact and be the seed that fosters real change in the American political climate.

Trump, in Conclusion

Based on all of these things, I would say expect to see more astonishing things out of the Trump camp. Thus far, many theories have been floated: conspiracies about why he’s there and his former monetary ties to the Democratic party. Another interpretation of the activation of the solar eclipse in Pisces and the aspects in which it does tie to his own chart could be that more of those ties are revealed.