Free Astrology Lesson - November 2016

Free Astrology Lesson - November 2016

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 7th Nov 2016

So, last month we had a look at the ascendant/descendant axis, and it got me thinking about the areas I most get asked about, in terms of how I was writing these little explorations out. Of course, as I have mentioned in the financial astrology blog posts, people ask me about love and money. Whatever else I might be looking into, those make up the bulk of the questions I usually get. So, if you’re looking at your natal chart: where do you start? There are a variety of indicators in your chart, actually, but, Venus is a good place to begin.

You may already know- Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. When we say that Venus rules love and money, that really sort of only touches the surface of things. Think about everything associated with both of those: it can be a pretty broad array of topics. You might look at someone’s Venus to figure out how they approach love relationships, but, also, you’d look here to figure out how someone can feel more secure, how they feel about beauty, what sorts of things bring the most pleasure to a person’s life. Additionally, you’d be able to look into the kind of gifts they like, and that they buy, what sorts of things they want to do in their free time, and well, how lavishly they might spend on those, if they do.

It used to be that people would look at that condition and placement of Venus in different ways depending on the gender of the person they were looking into. However, I have never really been keen on that- mostly owing to my understanding of gender constructs and the fact that personally, I don’t believe it’s as binary as people like to think. I actually feel like astrology gives us a great way to look into that as well, no matter who you are, there are masculine and feminine influences at play in your chart that make up who you are and how you respond to various things.

So, here’s my chart. As I mentioned before, if you don’t have yours, pop on over and grab it, by clicking this link. If you’re curious about someone else, well, you can look at Venus in their chart, too, if you want. Shh. I won’t tell.

The first thing we’re going to look at is which house and sign Venus is in, and what that means. We won’t go into aspects so much this time around, but they do matter.

In mine, you can see I’ve got aspects to my Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The aspects would be indicated by the lines and symbols you see in the inner part of the chart.

You’re going to be looking for a symbol like this ( ) or pretty close to it. Each of these is just a brief overview, and you may want to look more into these placements and aspects on your own, as well as how they tie into the rest of your chart.

So, looking back at my chart, you can see Venus is in the 2nd house.

Let’s go house by house, first:

1st house-

People with a 1st house Venus are usually pretty attractive and also, carry a fair amount of charisma. They are usually pretty great in public, fair, and lean towards being able to forge compromises that benefit everyone. The downside of this placement is that they tend to tie their worth in with how others perceive them- so much so they may withhold their own opinions, thoughts, and ideas.

2nd house-

With Venus in the 2nd, well, we’re all about gifts. Giving them and getting them. We tend to be people who want stability, but we’re also very loyal and like to take our time with things- both emotionally, and sensually. The downside of this particular placement is that often, we do place emphasis on stability: and this can often create the impression that we are somewhat materialistic.

3rd house-

People with Venus in the 3rd house have a strong tendency towards the gift of gab- a silver tongue that can talk them out of just about any situation, or into some interesting ones as well. Gossip can sometimes be problematic with this placement, but, there is also a talent for speaking or writing- language in general.

4th house-

People with 4th house Venus placement tend to be nesters, as in they want their homes to be as luxurious and beautiful as possible. Not just aesthetically: they seek out comfort and find a great deal of sentimental feelings in traditional things- particularly, items that belong to ancestors.

5th house-

Affection, love, and attention all tie together for people with a 5th house Venus. Crushes are intoxicating- and people with this placement often have a very playful, very fun personality. They also tend to be a little indulgent- and may at times be a bit over the top, however, the charm they possess often makes that unnecessary.

6th house-

People with 6th house Venus tend to be givers- always loyal and there for those they care about. They’re not exactly the most flowery of romantics, instead, preferring to show love in actions rather than words or gestures. At times, they can give too much of themselves, and balancing their tendency towards giving and being able to receive is important.

7th house-

People with a 7th house Venus have a really rough time going it alone. They almost need to be in a relationship- and one of the big problems is, they tend to not have a whole lot of downtime in between relationships. They are remarkably adept at making others happy- however, often need to take the time to figure out what it is they really want from a partner.

8th house-

For those with an 8th house Venus- love is intense. People with this placement aren’t keen on really shallow, basic relationships and they tend to not be big on “comfortable” love. They want deeply passionate love, and unfortunately, this can often lead them to unhealthy relationships where jealousy is problematic.

9th house-

The 9th house Venus native tends to be someone who’s fairly open minded and wants to learn- you will usually find them with someone who isn’t much like them at all. They seek out people who aren’t overly clingy and prefer someone who will grow with them as people. They do have a hard time with commitments at times as they’re typically more open to the next big thing.

10th house-

Venus in the 10th usually makes for someone who is very charismatic, yet, seems to keep everyone at arm’s length. Though these people tend to care a great deal what others think of them, they are also people who tend more towards having careers they love or being work-a-holics in general.

11th house-

People who have an 11th house Venus tend to prefer to be friends with someone before they try to get into a relationship. Usually, they’ll end up being friends even if there is a breakup. They tend to want people who are their own person or are even unusual, and it’s always important to them that they have an intellectual connection to their partners.

12th house-

People with this placement tend to be highly, highly compassionate people who seek out karmic connections, soul mates, or twin flame relationships. They tend to feel like they need to give their all for love, and as a result, can give far more than the person deserves in their quest for that spiritual romantic connection.

So, now, you’ll want to take a peek around that outer circle (the zodiac wheel) to find which sign Venus is in. In mine, you can see that it’s in Sagittarius.


For those with Venus in Aries- love needs to be fun. They tend to be fairly playful and need excitement in their love lives, but they’re incredibly honest, always hoping they’ll get the same in return. Preferring to be the hunter- rather than the hunted, chasing someone with this placement’s not usually the best idea.


People with this placement want stability, and they give a great deal of stability in return. They aren’t overly energetic and tend to want things more or less consistent. Loyalty tends to be the most important thing to them and at times, they can be possessive. Fairly physical types, they connect emotion with sensuality.


Variety is the Spice of Life was probably written by someone with Venus in Gemini. They don’t appreciate feeling tied down, and they need to be able to have fun in their relationships. They tend to be fairly flirty people, desiring partners who are as adaptable as they are. Having someone who will keep them on their toes is important.


People with Venus in Cancer tend to be incredibly loyal- and they hope for not just loyalty, but a great deal of very open affection. When they’re feeling the relationship is secure, they’re some of the best partners you’ll ever meet. When they’re scared or insecure, however, they are fairly moody and hard to read.


Venus in Leo natives is in love with love, itself. They come across as tremendous flirts, and you might not think that they’re good relationship material, except, once they commit to someone, they are exceptionally loyal. Though they do enjoy attention and flattery, they don’t tend to opt for relationships that are only surface level or purely physical.


Though perhaps not the most romantic of placements, people with Venus in Virgo are very attuned to the details in their relationship and dedicated to their partners. They are the kind who will do many small things to show they care on a day to day basis and generally prefer getting to know potential partners before committing.


For those with Venus in Libra, all MUST be fair in love; granted, war is usually right out the window. They tend to turn up their noses at anyone who doesn’t see them as an equal, and they want someone who will match them measure for measure. They’re usually willing to compromise, as long as it’s a true compromise where they are met halfway but can often find themselves giving more than the other partner does without realizing it until later on. Balance, as with most things Libra, is everything.


Venus in Scorpio is a seriously intense placement to have, and people with it tend to be every bit as intense as you might imagine given the combination. While you may find someone with this placement is highly committed, they might be a little *too* committed. This tends to denote someone who is capable of being very possessive. They tend to want to know all the details about a person while still yet withholding the deeper parts of themselves. For them, though, love really is a life changing experience.


Ah, here we go. This is mine, and naturally, well, we’re the best lover… uh, I mean, this is also an interesting placement. For those with Venus in Sagittarius, the tendency is to look for lovers that expand the horizons, not usually an “either” situation. People with this placement are restless, hard to pin down- and seek out people who will dare, dream, and explore with them. Love tends to need to involve personal growth and expansion on all levels.


People with Venus in Capricorn are a little bit more cautious; they like to plan things out and prefer the predictable in love. They want to know that their partners are working with them in things, and can sometimes seem a bit closed off, but, they are remarkably loyal and tend to work hard to bring the best to their relationships.


With Venus in Aquarius, you may be looking for somebody who’s looking to get into something weird. People with this placement don’t tend to do well in the so-called “normal” relationships. These people are either in the process of figuring out, or have figured out that for them, love needs to be a freeing experience. They tend to look for people who not only believe in their dreams, but, who stimulate and challenge them on a mental level.


For those with Venus in Pisces, romance is everything, and romance is defined, usually, in a number of different ways. They’re remarkably sensitive- but have a tendency to end up either the rescuer or rescuee in relationships. They have a strong tendency to see the good in everyone around them, accepting others and leaning towards being very understanding. This tendency can sometimes lead to unhealthy relationships as they accept certain things they shouldn’t.