Is a Lack of Sleep Ruining Your Life?

Is a Lack of Sleep Ruining Your Life?

Posted by Leslie Riopel, MA, ACHT on 22nd Aug 2016

Going to sleep and sleeping soundly should be an enjoyable and very natural process. However, sometimes it can be difficult to go to sleep and stay asleep.

For those who simply cannot sleep, no matter what they try, mind-body therapies like hypnosis or meditation could, in fact, act like a magical cure. A lack of sleep can also affect your immune system, and your ability to fight off disease, so it can be a very serious issue.

Studies have shown that those who don't get enough sleep may even be more prone to sickness after being exposed to viruses, such as the common cold. When you are sleeping deeply, your immune system even releases special proteins, called cytokines, which can help promote sleep.

Some of these cytokines are needed when you get sick or suffer from an infection, so sleep deprivation may lower or decrease their protective properties. To put in bluntly, your body needs sleep to fight off disease. If you suffer from recurrent sleep problems, you may also increase your risk of health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, or even heart disease.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Ideally, you should aim for about 7-8 hours a night. Teenagers and school age children need even more, or around 9-10 hours. Some people might find falling asleep easy, but not be able to stay asleep, which can also be a problem.

Some things you can do to sleep better include:

  • Avoiding caffeine late in the day
  • Avoiding heavy or high-fat meals close to bedtime
  • Staying away from too many fluids late at night
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

We live in a society that is often sleep deprived. Burning the candle at both ends doesn't help us in the long run, because a lack of sleep can affect our health. A lack of sleep also takes a toll on your judgment and perception, and can cause you to make errors or even cause accidents.

Sleep is absolutely vital for many things including memory, learning, and longevity. If you want to live a healthy, productive and long life, it's critical to get a good night's sleep.

It is possible to retrain your brain so that you can easily fall asleep and stay asleep, using mindfulness techniques like meditation and hypnosis. A simple meditation can be practiced in as little as 10-15 minutes a day, and it can help you control stress and anxiety. Relaxing deeply has many benefits including helping you decrease your respiratory rate, decreasing muscle tension, enhancing the immune system and even help to fight the aging process.

Utilizing a sleep meditation or a hypnosis session for deep sleep, prior to bedtime can go a long way to retraining your mind and body for optimal sleep.

Life is stressful enough on a normal basis, and sleep should be the one thing you can count on to rest and rejuvenate.

If a lack of sleep is ruining your life, get relief today with our Deep Sleep Hypnosis session.