Last Minute Valentine's Day Shopper's Guide

Last Minute Valentine's Day Shopper's Guide

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 8th Feb 2016

Ah, Valentine’s Day- or, as some like to refer to it, Singles Awareness Day. Personally, I am fond of February 15th, otherwise known as The Feast of St. Markdowns. Each and every year, an influx of “What should I get my sweetheart?” questions arises. Okay, very few people ask using the term sweetheart, but I really think we ought to bring that one back. Anyway, what do you get for the person you care about, or perhaps, even want to get a little spark going with? Well, astrology can help with that.

Each one of the 12 signs of the zodiac offers a little glimpse into a person. Helpful clues can be found here, and you can use some basic details to better fine tune your gift selection process. Most of the blogs and articles out there will tell you about the Sun sign- and mine is no different. I do this, because, well, it’s pretty easy to find someone’s sun sign. You just need their birthday. However, if you do happen to have their full birth information: day, month, year, time and place- look at where Venus is placed in their chart. That will give you a much more direct look at the kinds of things they’ll enjoy in terms of gifts. This holds true for both romantic relationships and otherwise: Venus rules that sort of thing.

That said, let’s have a look at each of the 12 Sun Signs and what gifts might appeal to them the most.



March 21-April 19

On a basic level, the color associated with Aries is red, the stones are amethyst and diamonds. Well, then, Valentine’s Day makes that one easy, doesn’t it? The other thing to know about Aries natives is that they are often very active people: but I wouldn’t recommend getting your girlfriend a thigh-master for Valentine’s Day. One of the other common traits of this sign is absolutely basking in the knowledge that they come first in your life. So, if you take a look at their interests, even if it isn’t all that interesting to you- you’ll find quite a few ideas. Otherwise, look for gifts with that “Wow” appeal- there are very few things that rams like more than excitement.


April 20-May 20

Quite possibly one of the easiest signs in terms of gift giving, Taurus natives are also incredibly fun to spoil. The color associated with Taurus is green and their stone is emerald. However, the thing to know about the bull? Anything that pleases the senses will please them- with a bit of a catch: it needs to be the absolute best. Perfumes and cologne are obvious ones, but you can take that a step further even. Get decked out to the nines and cook for them. If they come over for dinner on Valentine's night and you're already looking (And smelling) amazing- the scent of that dinner will amp up the anticipation. Unless you go with boiled cabbage and I really don't advise that. Think about how you can incorporate each of the 5 senses and you will win every time.


May 21-June 21

Whatever you do, if you’re trying to woo a Gemini: don’t mess up. Odds are pretty good they’ve been hinting about what they’ve wanted for months already- hoping you’ll pick up on it. The color associated with them is yellow and the stone is agate, but, you really can’t go wrong with anything that makes them feel special. Being as this sign is the one that rules the hands, pretty rings and other things like a luxurious hand lotion usually work pretty well. Understand, though, that for a Gemini- feeling special means feeling heard. Books are also usually a win, and finding out the ones they like usually doesn’t take a whole lot of digging as they also love to discuss what they’ve learned.


June 21-July 22

Cancer’s associated color is white, but, the metal associated with this sign is silver. The stones are pearl and opal. One of the most awesome things to me about Cancers is that they are so wonderfully warm and in general: homebodies. That doesn’t mean get them something kind of boring, but if you toss in that kitchen gadget they’ve been coveting alongside something romantic? They’re likely to respond pretty well to that. More than anything, though, these wonderfully sentimental types love something with a lot of thought and personal meaning.


July 23-August 22

Leos are often thought of as the King- or Queen of the Zodiac. Very few people who have interacted one would deny that there’s a certain leadership air to them, even when it’s understated. The stones that are usually associated with them are rubies and well, the color is gold. However, what most people don’t realize about this sign is that it rules the heart. That’s right, think Wizard of Oz. They are, however, rather difficult to buy for if you don’t realize one thing: they want one of a kind, because, well, they are in fact one of a kind themselves. Over the top expressions will often do the trick- so if you were thinking a dozen roses, think two.


August 23 - September 22

I once saw someone recommending getting a Virgo a vacuum cleaner. This is...kind of misguided and might get you kicked in the shins. Yes, they are very practical- but, that doesn’t mean you can’t merge practical and luxurious. As a matter of fact, this sign, represented by sapphires and the color blue, will appreciate the effort you went to in order to do so probably more than the gift itself. Being as Virgo natives usually feel as though they’re the ones taking care of everything- taking care of some things will also be well appreciated. Bonus if by “some things”, you make it all about them.


September 23-October 22

Libras have a deep love of music and the arts, and you may find that you already know their favorites. One of the best things you can do, if you can swing it- take your Libra out to a show they love. The stones associated with this sign are quartz, diamond, and marble, whereas the color is sort of a pale, ocean green. However, you’ll find that Libra would probably appreciate sincerity above all else: sometimes, a simple love note is all it takes.


October 23- November 21

Topaz, opal, purple, and gold- sure sounds like the items of a noblewoman or man, doesn't it? For Scorpios, however, things need to be a bit on the mysterious side. Of course, everyone cracks the "Scorpio jokes"- you know, the wink, wink, nudge nudge stuff: but, there is quite a bit more to them than that. That is, however, quite a bonus if you're looking to be amorous. Pleasing a Scorpio with gifts, though- you might consider that they all seem to have an interesting affinity for the odd, or the mysterious. A good thriller novel, tickets to a ghost investigation, even a collection of dark DVDs or books will do the trick. Box sets are awesome.


November 22-December 21

If you’ve been listening to your Sagittarius- you probably already know what they want. I have seen far, far too many people try to get creative with that: and fall flat. If you’ve ever gifted an Archer with something they didn’t like- you’re nodding. They’re pretty enthusiastic: like it or not. If a Sagittarius tells you they want something, that’s what they want and nothing else will do. However, if you’re still a bit stumped, you usually cannot go wrong with travel plans, good books about topics they love, and, most of them are animal lovers. Their stone is Topaz, and, the color most frequently associated with them is sort of a turquoise shade.


December 22-January 19

Capricorns are another one that gets a bad rap when it comes to gifting- and I’d know, I am a Capricorn. The “aloof, all business” thing is hardly the truth of things, though. Amber and onyx are the Capricorn stones, and the colors most frequently associated are browns and purples. How do you buy a gift for someone who seems so serious? Realize they’re probably not. You have probably seen your goat’s brilliant sense of humor in action- proceed accordingly. In addition to that, the gift you get for someone who often seems to be all work? Something they’ve already denied themselves, something decadent and wonderful. Dark chocolates, silk nightgowns, robes, and understated, elegant jewelry or watches work very well.


January 20- February 18

This is one that has a well-deserved "hard to buy for" label- but, the reason is actually not a bad one. While Aquarius may well appreciate the latest, greatest communication device: you'll find you really don't have to overcomplicate it. Their stone is amethyst and the colors are all shades of blue- it has, in fact, been my experience that most of them appreciate gifts that incorporate those things. However, they are another sign that adores the unique and well-thought-out. If you have a personal history with them, something beautiful that draws on that will be well received: a pretty photo frame that has some of your favorite pictures as a pair, perhaps. Deep down, they have a big soft spot for their closest relationships, and a fond reminder of that is often very appreciated.


February 19- March 20

It's probably a very little surprise that a sign that is represented by fish would be associated with coral and sea blue green- but, there you have it. However, if you really want to give your Piscean a gift that wows for Valentine's Day: consider something that appeals to their love of whimsy or romance. Creative types, you can also get them art sets, cameras, or other things to make beautiful works of art on their own. Another one that's usually a win? Consider picking up a book of poems. Rumi is particularly well loved by the Piscean jet set.