Star Blast Horoscopes for May 28-June 3, 2017
Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 26th May 2017
Click on Your Sign to Read
Hello again and welcome to another week!
We close out the month of May with an interesting trine on Wednesday, but our Transit Spotlight’s just a bit lighter this week. Mercury trine Pluto may help to better your communications and make them more compelling. It’s a great time to ask for the things you want. You’ll also find that you are able to really use your powers of discernment to figure things out. On Thursday, Venus forms a trine with Saturn which may make for some serious discussions about your relationships in terms of commitment but also, offer potentials for longer term gains financially. If your relationship or finances have been a little on the rocky side, you may find that under this influence you are able to get things in motion to put things right. HOWEVER... as we head into the weekend on Saturday, we’ve got two more interesting aspects at play: Venus conjunct Uranus and a Sun trine with Jupiter.
With the conjunct coming in on the heels of that trine with Saturn, its impact isn’t quite as explosive as it may otherwise be, and it may make for some fun and exciting changes that help offer perspective or understanding in both love and money. The way that you deal with the unexpected will matter quite a bit. So, remember to keep things above board and do the right thing.
The Sun trine with Jupiter is just about one of the most positive aspects there is, and can often give you a feeling as if you’re luckier than usual but also, toss quite a few opportunities your way. The kicker, however, is that you’ve got to not only take the shot when you get it, but you’ve also got to give it your all, using all of your natural abilities and talents to take full advantage. In other words, the good doesn’t just “happen.” Once it falls in your lap, you’ve got to do something with it. Beyond that, the only real warning is to be careful not to overindulge a bit under this influence as that can sometimes hang people up.
Have a great week!
Progress at last! You may be thinking of so many things, only to have that one step forward be given two steps back. Don’t worry about this, Aries. These situations where not temporary, are actually moving things in the directions they need to go. If you feel held back by any given situation, it may be that it is time to consider removing the millstone from your neck so you can continue forward.
Aries Affirmation this week: Temporary setbacks do not have to be permanent problems.
As you continue to consider things more deeply on all fronts, you may just find yourself taking notice of some things you’d previously taken for granted. This is a much more beneficial path to take rather than fixating on that you don’t yet have. Plant the seeds of gratitude within your soul and your whole life will flower as abundance begins to grow. Don’t ruminate too much on what you don’t have, what you do have is beautiful. Help it grow.
Taurus Affirmation this week: It’s never too late to turn things around.
Be careful about any new endeavors for a bit, Gemini. Saturn retrograde may still yet be pushing you towards better organization. So do that, and then things can move forward just a little more fluidly. Now, however, is a great time to think about closing those things out, finishing things rather than starting them. What tasks have you got kicking around, either emotionally or otherwise, that have passed their prime and maybe need a little finishing moves?
Gemini Affirmation this week: Calculated risks involve being calculated, first.
You will find yourself feeling a lot more open to new ideas now, Cancer, because, for some reason, inspiration station just isn’t on your itinerary. However, don’t fret. You are not feeling particularly creative, but you are feeling productive. Allow yourself collaborations with others, and you will find that you are able to really create something of value that continues to help for some time to come.
Cancer Affirmation this week: Sometimes, the background is a powerful place to be.
You may be finding that some old wounds re-open, Leo. Rather than avoid the feelings they inspire, dive in deep. Your insecurities are playing havoc on your mind here lately, and it’s interfering with you on many levels. Though these old habits seem to be stuck like a burr to you, you can and you must let them go. Make use of the powerful energy bursting through things soon, and kick loose the illusions you hold to face a growing positive future ahead of you.
Leo Affirmation this week: Sometimes facing those things that hurt me is the best way to get through them.
Virgo, is everything a big dream this week? Yes, yes, it is. There are a number of influences at play that have you thinking big, dreaming big, planning big. Don’t get ahead of yourself, though. Bounce those big ideas off of those with the knowledge you need to put things in motion in a credible way that brings everything good to the table. Relationships will thrive for this communication, and your career path will be clearer. Use what you have to your best advantage, and it’ll help you reach your dreams.
Virgo Affirmation this week: Communicating what I want and need clearly is key.
It seems so clear why you weren’t to move on those plans before, doesn’t it Libra? With so much chaos just flying around, who’s got time to work on goals and dreams? Putting out fires this week is rather, unfortunately, the name of the game, but also lending your support to the movers and shakers in your life who can make their way through this time more smoothly. Hitch your wagon to the strongest now, and continue hatching your plans in your free time.
Libra Affirmation this week: Sometimes, it really is all in who you know.
When you are right, you are very right. But sometimes, when you are wrong, it can be a little hard to admit, Scorpio. Though you are by far and away one of the most analytical of the signs, that pride can sometimes go before a very big fall. This week, if you catch your ego doing the hustle all over things, take a step back, reflect, and consider what’s at stake here. Is it really that important to be “right” all the time? It may be time to consider those areas you need to compromise a bit.
Scorpio Affirmation this week: Meeting in the middle is often where solutions are found.
Be incredibly careful, Sagittarius. Though yes, there are some situations where you need to stand up for yourself, learning how and when to do that in measured form is very important. Unfortunately, these verbal mishaps won’t be seen as admirably brutally honest; they won’t be seen as insightful or bold. They’ll be seen as mean and hurtful. Take great care to mind your words, and you will find they make the changes you want to see rather than some you don’t want.
Sagittarius Affirmation this week: Sometimes the truth need not be quite so brutal.
You may have a small list of things to work on now that the introspection of your moods has taken you some unexpected places, Capricorn. It is an excellent time to act on those things, but also continue to look deeply at those things that have been getting to you. Give yourself a chance to complete some older projects or organize some scattered things a bit more. You’ll likely feel a little less like you don’t have control enough to see where you do and what more you can do.
Capricorn Affirmation this week: Finishing things up gives me a new perspective on other things.
If you’re starting to notice that others around you seem a bit grouchier, Aquarius, it may be time to consider some of what they say. Dig a little deeper, and go a bit introspective to explore the challenges lobbed at your feet. Could you be maybe phrasing something better? If you are feeling unhappy with certain aspects of your life, or somewhat insecure, do not attempt to solve the problems of others this week. Look inside, change what you need to, and seek your bliss.
Aquarius Affirmation this week: Sometimes the solution is in looking inward.
Be careful this week to not fixate on the details and to not allow yourself to lapse into pessimistic thinking, Pisces. Whether it be at home, work, or otherwise, you might find that some of the annoyances have you gritting your teeth a bit, but it’s worth it to simply swallow that comment, or say something more soothing than have to deal with the fallout later on. As this passes, more may come to light anyway that would have rendered that sharp commentary just a bit out of place.
Pisces Affirmation this week: When the hand is sharp and quick, it may be time to hold it.