

Your Lucky Numbers for April 6-12, 2016

Your Lucky Numbers for April 6-12, 2016

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 5th Apr 2016

Hey again, out there! Here’s hoping last week was great- and hope for a good week ahead. Anyway, this week has a few interesting transits at play, which of course I cover in your Star Blast H … read more
Your Lucky Numbers for March 30-April 5, 2016

Your Lucky Numbers for March 30-April 5, 2016

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 24th Mar 2016

Hey again, out there! It is going to be an awesome week ahead for you, and I think you’re going to find that even just simply feeling more confident- which, there are plenty of energies at pla … read more
Your Lucky Numbers for March 23-29, 2016

Your Lucky Numbers for March 23-29, 2016

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 16th Mar 2016

Hey again! I’ve changed up the format somewhat so that I can give you a more comprehensive look at the issues you might face in love and money. If you love it, or if you have any suggestions fo … read more
Your Lucky Numbers for March 16-22, 2016

Your Lucky Numbers for March 16-22, 2016

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 15th Mar 2016

Hello again! Welcome to yet another awesome week and hopefully, a luck-filled one for all of you. This week’s round-up will be just a bit briefer than those before it. Now that we’ve establis … read more
Your Lucky Numbers for March 2-8, 2016

Your Lucky Numbers for March 2-8, 2016

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 2nd Mar 2016

Hello out there! Hopefully, the month has been pretty good to you thus far. However, I may have a little bit of insight as to when it can be especially good to you. In addition to that, usi … read more