The Power of Positive Thoughts When Facing Cancer
Posted by Leslie Riopel, MA, ACHT on 12th Sep 2016
Are you stressed or anxious of facing a cancer diagnosis? Do you have days when you are in pain or days when you just can't get out of bed? Is it hard for you to relax and let go?
If you spend the
bulk of your time worried and diseased focused, you might just be holding
yourself back. If you are searching for a natural cancer treatment as a
complementary and alternative healing method, meditation and mindfulness are a great
Research tells us that there is a powerful connection between the mind and the body. If the mind really does rule the body, it makes sense that you might even be able to think yourself well.
It is well known that stress can exacerbate illness. Our bodies are well equipped to handle most types of stressful situations but too much stress can cause us to break down. In a sense, stress is your body’s warning system and it is a signal that something needs to be addressed.
Stress in small doses can motivate you to take action, but obviously, too much stress can cause illness and disease and stress is definitely not good for those who happen to be fighting cancer.
The truth is your positive thoughts, feelings and emotions can have a direct impact on your healing.
This one shift alone has the ability to completely transform your life and your body because true healing occurs when you release anything and everything that isn't working towards your highest good.
One thing that we do know is that a positive mental attitude can help you heal much more quickly than a negative one and it’s better to approach each new day with a smile, than with a frown.
While no one should abandon or give up traditional medicine, there is no reason why non-traditional therapies like guided imagery, meditation and relaxation can't be used in conjunction with the more traditional approach.
Stress can be a hindering factor when you are ill. When facing cancer, stress can be devastating, so the best plan of attack is to take steps to alleviate as much stress as you can. Engaging in a daily meditation or guided imagery practice can help you focus on the positive and on those things that you can control. Meditation and mindfulness also help you focus on the moment and on those things you are grateful for, which is very powerful.
Focusing on the illness and focusing on the problems exacerbates stress and can make things even worse. When faced with a cancer diagnosis, there are some simple things you can do to move into a place of peace and calm, even during the worst of the storms.
Tips for Managing Stress
- Try and not worry about those things that are out of your control.
- Take things one moment or one day at a time.
- Prepare for stressful events like chemotherapy by taking 5-10 minutes before hand to do some deep breathing to focus and calm the mind.
- Try and look at change as positive or as a challenge, instead of assuming it is a hindrance.
- Ask yourself what you can learn from things, and how you can inspire or motivate others from your experience.
- Share your worries and concerns with like-minded people but try and focus on the positive. You are not looking for sympathy, but empathy.
- Take a 5-minute walk if you can, because walking and stretching can renew your energy.
- Remember to eat!
- Try and set realistic goals – but don’t push yourself.
- Take a laughter break, because laughter releases your body's feel-good chemicals or endorphins.
If you are suffering from cancer, get relief today with our Natural Cancer Treatment Meditation session.