Your Lucky Numbers for April 6-12, 2016

Your Lucky Numbers for April 6-12, 2016

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 5th Apr 2016

Hey again, out there!

Here’s hoping last week was great- and hope for a good week ahead. Anyway, this week has a few interesting transits at play, which of course I cover in your Star Blast Horoscopes, but- let’s get right into those lucky numbers and the high vibe days for you.

Good luck!



Aries, your numbers for the week ahead are 21, 37, 38, 39, 50, and 14. Monday and Tuesday show a lot of potential for you in love matters, with communication being a big emphasis. In money matters, midweek through Friday really do show a lot of potential for taking some steps forward in changing your financial status.


18, 35, 39, 48, 49, and 11 are your most positive numbers for the week ahead, Taurus. This week is an interesting one in terms of both love and money. The earlier part of the week is a good time for conveying things you’ve had on your mind, but, the later part of the week seems best in money. Friday and Saturday show a great deal of potential.


Gemini, the most beneficial numbers for you in the week ahead are going to be 2, 4, 7, 8, 46, and 32. Wednesday shows a lot of potential for luck as well as towards the end of the week; you may just find that things go well for you in terms of taking risks with love.


3, 8, 26, 44, 45, and 38 have a great deal of potential for you this week, Cancer. Earlier in the week, Monday through Wednesday seems to be the most beneficial time across the board. However, towards the weekend, you may also find that getting yourself into social settings brings some interesting results in love, too.


Leo, 15, 23, 50, 54, 55, and 35 are your most beneficial numbers in the week ahead. Wednesday and Thursday show tremendous potential in love, with connecting to others being impacted positively during that time. Friday actually shows a lot of potential for luck, as well.


20, 33, 38, 49, 51, and 13 are great numbers for you Virgos this week. You’ll find that the week ahead actually brings a lot of opportunities your way across the board. Most of this, however, is due to reaching out and taking some calculated risks- so be sure you’re acting on things, more, now.


Libra, you’ll find that 6, 33, 34, 45, 52, and 29 have a lot of potential this week for you. Midweek is when the better times begin- and you’ll find that whether it is love or money, being able to take more positive steps just feels right, during that time.


8, 11, 3, 29, 43, and 22 are your lucky numbers in the week ahead, Scorpio! You will also find that Monday through Wednesday, it may seem a little easier to impress others- both in love and in money situations. Towards the end of the week, things look pretty good for games of chance, but, keep it fairly low key for best results.


Sagittarius, your luckiest numbers for the week ahead are 13, 32, 38, 39, 40, and 6. You’ll find that on the whole, it’s just one of those weeks where you seem to shine. Impressing others in both love and money may be a little easier now if you’re just allowing those ideas you have to flow.


8, 28, 36, 46, 47, and 23 are great numbers for you in the week ahead, Capricorn! You will also find that this week can be a good one in love on the whole by simply letting others know where you stand. In money and luck, however, from about midweek on, things start to take shape in interesting ways.


Aquarius, your lucky numbers for the week ahead are 21, 37, 38, 39, 50, and 14. Monday through Wednesday show a lot of potential for you in luck matters. When it comes to love, however, this week may be one of those slow ones- so, it may be a good time to catch up or reconnect with people.


18, 35, 39, 48, 49, and 11 are your most beneficial numbers for the week ahead, Pisces. Additionally, you may find that you have a bit of an added boost in most things, across the board this week- things just seeming more optimistic. The best days, however, are going to hit right around mid-day on Thursday, heading on into your weekend.







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