
Depression Hypnosis Audio

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Do you feel like you are carrying around the weight of the world on your shoulders? Do you feel tired and heavy? Are you dragging through the day, feeling down and depressed? If so, depression treatment hypnosis might be all you need.

Depression can feel like a huge weight on your shoulders. When you are depressed, it is difficult to function and difficult to carry on normal roles and responsibilities. Even though depression is a very serious medical condition, it is treatable.

There are many causes when it comes to depression, so it is important that you rule out any underlying medical conditions before any kind of treatment is undertaken or considered.

Depression can sap your energy and leave you feeling down and depressed, but it doesnÂ’t have to. Once you understand how depression works, you can then take steps to move through it.

Imagine feeling hopeful once again? Experience what it feels like to feel lighter and brighter. Imagine looking forward to the day or waking up with a new sense of hope? Depression treatment hypnosis can help because it can help you lift the fog and start fresh.

There is no one size fits all kind of treatment for depression, but what we do know is that depression often stems from the brain. The brain is the command center of the body and it controls your emotions and your thoughts. The brain has special chemicals called neurotransmitters that carry out many unique functions, including the transfer of messages within the brain.

Your DNA is influenced by your thoughts and feelings. When you feel really good, you begin to heal and whatever you envision in your mind has a direct correlation to how your body responds to life. In Dr. Masaru Emoto's book - The Hidden Messages in Water, this process is demonstrated beautifully. Dr. Emoto found that when people prayed or used positive words, feelings and emotions that water crystals responded by forming beautiful shapes, appearing symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing. The opposite happened when people had thoughts and feelings that weren't positive. Since your body is over 60-70% water, the same principle can be used for you.

The brain is very complex, but it can be used to help you overcome depression. In this session, you will undergo an amazing alternative depression treatment as you use your mind to overcome those limiting thoughts and patterns. This session will leave your mind tingling with anticipation as your brain forms new neural pathways.

With Depression Treatment Hypnosis, you can start to live once again and celebrate your life, rather than dread it.

There is hope and you can do it. Change is an inside job and you are worth it.

All MP3 products are available for a total of six downloads over a 90-day period...this way you can save all your hypnosis audio tracks to multiple devices for easy and repeated listening.

These sessions are not meant to take the place of a medical doctor, they are meant as a complementary procedure. We do not claim to cure, diagnose or heal any ailment...these sessions are meant strictly for the purpose of relaxation and visualization only.

Always listen to hypnosis audio products in a quiet environment that will allow for relaxation and even sleep. Never listen to hypnosis audio products while driving or operating machinery.

10 Reviews

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  • Pat - 15th Sep 2019

    Pretty Good

    Pretty good

  • dewi m - 21st Jun 2019


    Three weeks and I haven't listened every day. When i listen before work in the mornings my day seems better. I'm not really a morning person but I like getting up to listen to Leslie

10 Reviews

  • Pat - 15th Sep 2019

    Pretty Good

    Pretty good

  • dewi m - 21st Jun 2019


    Three weeks and I haven't listened every day. When i listen before work in the mornings my day seems better. I'm not really a morning person but I like getting up to listen to Leslie

  • Freda T - 1st May 2019

    I don't know

    Seems relaxing but I don't know if it's helping with depression.

  • Natasha - 18th Apr 2019

    Love it

    This has gotten me through depression from the death of my Brother. It helps greatly with high levels of brain chatter by way of making them fade mentally. Thank You, Natasha

  • mark - 25th Dec 2018

    I haven't had it long but...

    Already only after a few days i straight away began to feel the positive effects ! having been suffering from deep depression. i can't leave this alone top marks

  • Brian K - 16th Oct 2018

    Skips on iPhone

    Mine kept skipping then I found out it had to be downloaded special to itunes. Not worth it.

  • Dee D - 31st Jul 2018

    Thank you for this wonderful audio

    I suffer from Major Medical Depression , anxiety attacks as well as sleep disorder . Hypnosis has not only help me physically but for my physiology .

  • Jenny W - 9th Mar 2018

    We will see

    I'll try it for a week and if I can actually face the day and be around people without wanting to kill (literally) them with their endless greedy, selfish, racist, illogical comments.

  • Nat - 29th Sep 2017

    So far so good

    Recommended to a colleague.

  • Sue J. - 12th Sep 2017

    I think it's working

    Been listening off and on for 3 weeks. I'm feeling better.

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